Prescription Refills

Standard refill requests are performed during normal business hours only. Note that requests for prescription medications may take 24 to 48 hours to process, so please request at least 2 to 4 days before you’ll run out of your medication.

To refill a prescription, please contact your pharmacy first and allow 48 to 72 hours for your provider to respond to the refill request.

Medical Records

At PCA, your health information is kept strictly confidential and is not released without your consent. Please note that Workers’ Compensation and your insurance carrier may legally access your health information without your consent.

How to Obtain Copies:

A. Request copies through the patient portal; or

B. Complete and send this form:

We will confirm receipt and transfer your documents as soon as possible. If you have questions regarding your medical records, please do not hesitate to contact our Records department directly at 907-562-1234, option 1, then option 3.

Note: if PCA has received records and images that patients have brought in from outside sources, the law prohibits us from releasing these to a third party.